type of failure - translation to ρωσικά
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type of failure - translation to ρωσικά

Total failure of consideration

type of failure      

нефтегазовая промышленность

тип отказа

cardiac insufficiency         
  • horizontal fissure]]. Yet, no obvious lung edema is seen. Overall, this indicates intermediate severity (stage II) heart failure.
  • Severe peripheral pitting edema
  • Signs and symptoms of severe heart failure
  • Siderophages (one indicated by white arrow) and pulmonary congestion, indicating left [[congestive heart failure]]
  • [[Kerley B lines]] in [[radiograph]] of acute cardiac decompensation. The short, horizontal lines can be found everywhere in the [[right lung]].
  • Model of a normal heart (left); and a weakened heart, with over-stretched muscle and dilation of [[left ventricle]] (right); both during [[diastole]]
Heart Failure; Cardiac failure; Congestive Heart Failure; Congestive heart disease; Congestive cardiac failure; Chronic heart failure; Left ventricular failure; Heart failure, congestive; Coronary Heart Failure; Congested heart failure; Cardiac insufficiency; Congestive heart failure; Right heart failure; LSHF; Systolic dysfunction; Left ventricular dysfunction; Left heart failure; Right-sided heart failure; Left-sided heart failure; Cardiac dysfunction; Heart strain; Right ventricular failure; ESC algorithm; ESC criteria; Cardiac congestion; Biventricular failure; Biventricular heart failure; Congestive heart failure (CHF); Class IV heart defect; Ventricular failure; Right sided heart failure; HFPeF; HFReF; Acute heart failure; Heart failure classification; Algorithms for diagnosis of heart failure; Causes of heart failure; Prevention of heart failure; Systolic heart failure; Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction; Decompensatio cordis; User:NikosGouliaros/sandbox Heart Failure


сердечная недостаточность

heart failure         
  • horizontal fissure]]. Yet, no obvious lung edema is seen. Overall, this indicates intermediate severity (stage II) heart failure.
  • Severe peripheral pitting edema
  • Signs and symptoms of severe heart failure
  • Siderophages (one indicated by white arrow) and pulmonary congestion, indicating left [[congestive heart failure]]
  • [[Kerley B lines]] in [[radiograph]] of acute cardiac decompensation. The short, horizontal lines can be found everywhere in the [[right lung]].
  • Model of a normal heart (left); and a weakened heart, with over-stretched muscle and dilation of [[left ventricle]] (right); both during [[diastole]]
Heart Failure; Cardiac failure; Congestive Heart Failure; Congestive heart disease; Congestive cardiac failure; Chronic heart failure; Left ventricular failure; Heart failure, congestive; Coronary Heart Failure; Congested heart failure; Cardiac insufficiency; Congestive heart failure; Right heart failure; LSHF; Systolic dysfunction; Left ventricular dysfunction; Left heart failure; Right-sided heart failure; Left-sided heart failure; Cardiac dysfunction; Heart strain; Right ventricular failure; ESC algorithm; ESC criteria; Cardiac congestion; Biventricular failure; Biventricular heart failure; Congestive heart failure (CHF); Class IV heart defect; Ventricular failure; Right sided heart failure; HFPeF; HFReF; Acute heart failure; Heart failure classification; Algorithms for diagnosis of heart failure; Causes of heart failure; Prevention of heart failure; Systolic heart failure; Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction; Decompensatio cordis; User:NikosGouliaros/sandbox Heart Failure


общая лексика

паралич сердца

остановка сердца

сердечная недостаточность или слабость


сердечная недостаточность



паралич сердца

сердечная недостаточность, сердечная слабость


heart attack


ГРИП, ГРИПП, гриппа, ·муж. (·франц. grippe) (мед.). Инфекционная болезнь - катарральное воспаление дыхательных путей, сопровождаемое лихорадочным состоянием; то же, что инфлуэнца


Failure of consideration

Failure of consideration is a technical legal term referring to situations in which one person confers a benefit upon another upon some condition or basis ("consideration") which fails to materialise or subsist. It is also referred to as "failure of basis". It is an 'unjust factor' for the purposes of the law of unjust enrichment. Where there is a "total failure of consideration" the claimant can seek restitution of the benefit by bringing an action in unjust enrichment against the defendant. Historically speaking, this was as a quasi-contractual claim known as an action for money had and received to the plaintiff's use for a consideration that wholly failed. The orthodox view is that it is necessary for any relevant contract to be ineffective, for example because it is discharged for breach, void ab initio (from the beginning) or frustrated. However, it will be available on a subsisting contract where it does not undermine the contractual allocation of risk.

Failure of consideration is a highly technical area of law. Particular areas of controversy include:

  • Whether the failure of the consideration must be 'total', and the scope and meaning of such a requirement;
  • Whether 'consideration' refers not only to bargained-for counter-performance by the defendant, but also a legal or factual state of affairs;
  • Whether this ground of restitution only applies to money claims or also extends to non-money benefits (e.g., chattels, services);
  • Whether this ground of restitution can be relied upon by a contract-breaker;
  • Whether the (now ineffective) contract has any impact upon (a) the availability of a claim; or (b) the valuation of any such claim;
  • Whether a failure of consideration can also generate proprietary remedies (e.g., a resulting trust);
  • Whether a claimant can elect to terminate a contract for breach and escape a 'bad bargain' by suing in unjust enrichment on the ground of total failure of consideration.
Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για type of failure
1. They will not be able to exploit the propaganda value of that after that type of failure," he said.
2. They had never seen that type of failure on the space station before, and they believe it may be related to electrical power rather than computer software.
3. "This is the type of failure that would only be caused by a major problem –– a major disaster or something like it." Though all IT departments are vulnerable to attacks from within, most focus on outside threats, Cappelli said.
4. He said: ‘Rates have fallen sharply following improved isolation measures, a 1million cleaning programme, better antibiotic use and further campaigns on hand washing.‘ Health Minister Ann Keen said: ‘I would like to offer my sincere condolences to the patients and families who have been affected. ‘This type of failure must not be repeated.
5. It "will give us a time frame within which we can expect [the ship‘s] failure and the general type of failure –– upper decks breaking down, lower decks erupting up, hull tipping in or out –– but not exactly where," he wrote in a recent e–mail.
Μετάφραση του &#39type of failure&#39 σε Ρωσικά